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Summer 2016 Edition
August 2016

Upcoming Events

President's Message

I can’t believe it is the middle of August already. The summers sure go by fast. Pretty soon the fall rush will be upon us as people realize that there won’t be very many days until the ground starts freezing and the white stuff starts falling.

We had a great couple of days together at the summer conference in Trego. For those that were not there here is a brief summary.

Friday afternoon was spent touring Andry Rasmussen & Son’s precast plant in Cable. A huge thank you to Jeff Rasmussen and his crew for letting us tour their facility.

Friday evening was spent relaxing and visiting with other precasters and associate members as we enjoyed a good meal and a few cocktails.

Saturday morning was the business meeting part of the conference. We had an update on where the crane certification was at. Here is some of the key components that came from the update:

  • There will be a new exam called the Delivery Truck Crane Certification for the Precast Concrete Industry
  • New exam covers:
    • Telescoping boom cranes (fixed or swing cab)
    • Rail/trolley booms
    • Booms under 21 tons
    • Limited to boom truck operators in precast industry
    • Knuckle booms not covered
    • Electronic test format – 50+ questions general knowledge, 30+ supplementary
    • Practical exam in a timed format still a requirement
  • NPCA providing 4 hour webinars to help with written part of exam

Another topic that was brought up was increasing our producer membership. If any producer members or associate members know of any septic tank producers that sell precast tanks in WI that are not currently members, please let the WPCA know so that we can reach out to them.

Saturday afternoon the golfers enjoyed their afternoon at the Spooner Golf Club The Namekagon River Trip was cancelled due to high water but there were plenty of other activities to fill Saturday afternoon for everybody else.

Thanks to all the sponsors for the generous support of our association. Thanks also to George and Alison for putting together another successful conference.

Remember the Winter Conference is changed to a later date than we have had in the past. I hope to see everyone on January 24-25 2017 at the Madison Marriott West. 

Bruce Wieser
WPCA President

Legislative Update

Ausen Appointed to POWTS Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Earlier this summer, Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) Secretary Dave Ross announced the appointments to thePOWTSTechnical Advisory Committee (TAC). Among the appointees was none other than Aaron Ausen of WPCA member Dalmaray Concrete of Janesville. Ausen has been a strong advocate of resurrecting the POWTS TAC to review products and components for all POWTS to ensure they conform to the standards and specifications in DSPS Administrative Rules.

In addition to Ausen, the following individuals were appointed for each of the seats available on the TAC.

  • Plumber – Robert Roy Schmidt Jr., Term expires 2017
  • Local Government Unit – Eric J. Wellauer, Term expires 2017
  • POWTS Component Manufacturer – Aaron J. Ausen, Term expires 2019
  • POWTS Designer – Daniel P. Vander Leest, Term expires 2019
  • Academic/Scientific Community – Daniel P. Keymer, Term expires 2018
  • DNR -  Frederick Hegeman, Term expires 2018

As most of you know, the DSPS issues approval, upon request and review, for specific methods or technologies that are proposed to be utilized as POWTS holding, treatment or dispersal components which conform to the standards under DSPS rules. The DSPS reviews submittals with the input of the POWTS TAC. The WPCA welcomes the addition of Ausen to this important committee and looks forward to their quality work in partnership with the DSPS.

Reforms Bring Unemployment Trust Fund Balance to $1 Billion

As Wisconsin’s economy continues to improve, there have been recent positive aspects that have translated to the Unemployment Trust Fund balance.

Following recent reforms to the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program over the last few years, employers and workers may be witnessing benefits from a cost-effective and stable UI system.

According to Governor Walker, the continued growth of our UI Trust Fund could spark the second consecutive drop in the UI tax schedule for covered employers in two years, saving an estimated $38 million in UI taxes per starting in tax year 2017.

Combined with the 2015 activation of a lower UI tax schedule, which saved $97 million annually, the approximately 134,000 Wisconsin employers covered by the state’s UI program look to realize $135 million in savings.

George Klaetsch
Executive Director

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Thank you WPCA Summer Conference Sponsors!

Thank you Golf Sponsors for your support of the Scholarship Fund!

 Al's Concrete Productseblake & associates Mixer Systems 
 Concrete Sealants Euclid Chemical Premier Concrete Admixtures
 Crest Precast GCP Applied Technologies Strong Products
 Dalmaray Concrete Products GRT-Mapei Wieser Concrete

Save the date for the 2017 Winter Conference
January 24-25, 2017
Madison Marriott West, Middleton

NPCA Crane Training Webinar

Understanding Delivery Crane Load Charts

Choose only one date per student. Only one session is required to complete the course.

  • Tuesday, October 11; Noon - 4 pm EASTERN
  • Thursday, December 15; 4 pm - 8 pm EASTERN

NPCA Member Discount Price: $149 per student
Non-member Price: $299 per student

Understanding Delivery Crane Load Charts webinar is a four hour course designed to help crane operators become more familiar with load charts that are commonly used in the precast concrete industry. The webinar will also include information that may appear on the national certification written exams required to meet the OSHA crane certification requirement going into effect in November 2017.

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WPCA Board of Directors

Bruce Wieser 
Al's Concrete Products

Vice President
Jeff Rasmussen
Andry Rasmussen & Sons

Rob Ausen
Dalmaray Concrete Products

Past President
Paul Miller
Grove Concrete & Supply
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North Region
Mike Donohue
Premier Concrete
Lonny Van Goethem
Van Goethem Septic Systems

South Region
Deke Mader
Crest Concrete Products 

Bryon Wooten
Lake Shore Burial Vault

Scott Grams

Association Management
Executive Director/Lobbyist
George Klaetsch

Association Managers
Heather Dyer, CAE
Alison Huber, CMP

Contact Us

Please make note of our new address!

Wisconsin Precast Concrete Association
2820 Walton Commons, Suite 103
Madison, WI 53718

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